
Props - Masks

As our film is called 'Jungle' and is representing children on Hackney growing up to act like animals we are going to use animal face masks. As a group we all immediately thought of having Gorillas as they are the most common animal representing a jungle. So we looked on Ebay and Amazon for gorilla masks and found theses amazing looking rubber and fur masks which have a removable jaw. The removable jaw wasn't originally a necessity but i think we can create something quite funky looking. For our second animal, we found it quite difficult to choose because one member of the group wanted wolve masks, another wanted pigs and the another wanted lions. However after a short discussion the group decided to go with lion masks, despite the chosen masks being lioness' because both the gorilla and lion are strong contenders for the title as the 'King of the Jungle'. I think this was the right choice because people will recognise this link and will maybe get interactive and chose a side they want to support.

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