
Second Day Filming

Monday was our second day of filming which started badly due to one of our main characters, the boy playing P.G, told us he was coming but didn't turn up because he had family arrangements which he forgot about. This then meant that the gils who played our lions turned up but we had to tell them we didn't need them because we could film none of their parts without the main actor which was very embarrassing and unprofessional. We went to the skatepark location to film the gorillas parts but that didn't go to plan either due to lack of lighting at the location. But we did not have time to change the locations so we improvised and used the flashlight on our phones which did work but obviously, not as well as if there was street lights.

I thought our actors, being 17 and all, would understand the point and importance of being involved in the project as they understand the quality A Level work needs to be but they didn't act how i thought they would. We explained to them and showed them what they needed to do and how they needed to act but it was as if they were shy around each other. Which was nonsense because they all knew each other and go to the same college. Again the weather was against us, being incredibly cold, we could not waste no time so we got multiple shots that we planned to get. However, stupidly, none of the group had the song on their mobile and the one member of the group who did was not present because he was busy doing something else. Which meant we could not do the shots where the main character/artist, Maverick, had to sing as he knew the words but needed the music to sing it in time and feel the music. 

Inorder to get the footage we needed as quickly as possible we wrote down the shots we needed to get.

This mean't that we had to add another filming date which was very annoying. Especially as the snow has come and we don't know when it will clear. We plan to film on Tuesday the 7th.

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