
Reschedualling Filming

We did not film on Tuesday due to the school having parents evening so we rescheduled for Friday 10th December.

In today's lesson we continued to edit our video with the recent footage of the gorillas we shot last Monday. The video started to come together and look like a music video however we want tp reshoot some of this footage with the music track playing because it will encourage the actors more and we will get better quality footage. We will also be more prepared unlike last time as we will have the song with us and bring extra lighting. It was a pain editing the video thought because the footage took a while to render because there was quite a bit to render which mean't we had to wait around more about 8 minutes and then do some more editing and wait another 8 minutes for that to render. This also made it hard to line some of the shots up because the playback was jumping and made it difficult to sync the lips to the singing.

1 comment:

  1. http://fspicerjrcsmediablog13.blogspot.com/2010/12/30112010.html

    At the bottom of this blogpost are the photo's I took from our last filming session. Forgive the quality, my phone's rubbish. I thought you might like to post them.
