
Survey Analysis

We gave out 90 surveys in the school for each year group and only received 35.5% of them back. From the results we found out that 71% of these like the genre we are looking at, R&B, Hip Hop and Rap. 39% of these being male and 61% being female. As our artist is Professor Green we asked those who surveyed if they like him, 22% of males liked him and 43% of females liked him. We also asked how they watched their music videos and gave them the choice, Internet or TV. In total 65% watched them on the Internet, 26% of these were male and 39% of them were female. 73% of them watched the videos by TV, 26% being male and 47% being female.

From these results and making generalisations, i have got an idea of a profile who would like our artist and music video.

Female, 15, quite interactive i.e. uses the computer and watches TV a lot. She attends school and does very well, she completes all her work in lesson time so when she gets home she can spend her free time watching television and catching up with her media gossip and newest tacks. Her preferred genre of music is Hip/Hop and R&B so she listens to many different styles of artist within them categories.

Here are some of the responses we got. Some of them being irelevant in which personally  think is due to the age of the peope taking the survey.

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